
Congratulations on being open to change and taking the first step on your journey to better health. Now that you’ve made a time and monetary investment, let’s make sure you kick your health goals and achieve the best possible results with the program.

6 Steps to Great Product Results;

1. Start With Why. What are the most important things for you when it comes to improving your health? Better sleep? More energy? Being able to run further? Or lift heavier? Is it to ease the stubborn bloat? And why are those things important to you? The scales only tell a small story of overall health, we want to look at all areas of our health and happiness. Set multiple health goals, and focus on why you want to achieve them. Sharing them with close family and friends will help keep you accountable and driven. Taking photos and measurements is essential as well. It can be uncomfortable initially, but they’re a great way for you to see how far you’ve come.

2. Set Yourself Up for Success. Preparation is the key to success in anything. Now is the time to organise your fridge and pantry, cull processed and unhealthy foods and replace them with healthy, nutritious foods. Change and detox can be uncomfortable; prepare your body by weaning off coffee, processed food and sugar now rather than trying to go cold turkey Day 1.

3. Download the IsaLife App & Join the IsaBody Challenge. On your phones app store, download the ‘IsaLife’ app. It is full of information, with daily schedules, trackers and ‘How To’ videos. You can order products and manage future orders directly from the app too.

Directly in the app, or via your Back Office (see Step 6), you can join the IsaBody Challenge too. A great way for extra accountability and support. Simply by finishing the challenge you earn $200 worth of free products. You could even win $50,000 as the annual Grand Champion.

4. Start with at least 2 Shake Days. Some people want to just jump straight in to their first cleanse day, but it’s important to prepare the body properly and set it up for success. Trust the process, trust the program. No short cuts, no writing your own rules. The plan is there for a reason. It takes time to fix years of unhealthy habits. Print the Shake Day Planner here and pop it on your fridge. If you’re a visual person, here’s a quick video on How to Do a Shake Day.

5. Do Your First Cleanse Day. Cleanse Days are what makes Isagenix unique, and are integral to your success. Whether you’re chasing weight loss, energy or performance, cleanse days accelerate results and are the cornerstone to a great 30 day experience – and beyond. Like anything new, they can be scary for people. But don’t worry, they’re nothing to be scared of. A few tips for success;

  • Make sure your sponsor knows when you’re cleansing so they’re there for extra support.
  • Don’t schedule a Cleanse Day on a day you know you’ll struggle (eg family dinner Sunday night).
  • Always end the day before a Cleanse Day with a shake for dinner to prepare & relax digestion.
  • Don’t forget the little extras you can have – IsaDelights, e Shots, Whey Thins, Content.

Print out the Cleanse Day planner to put on your fridge, and check out this Video.

6. Get to Know Your Back Office. When you became a customer with Isagenix, you would have been given a Username and Password to the Back Office. Here you can order extra products you may need, manage & adjust your autoship, join the IsaBody Challenge – and if you have friends / family interested in joining you, you can follow the steps in there to become an associate and set up their account – earning cash back for future orders. Take 5 minutes to familiarise yourself with your Back Office & the wealth of information in there and take control of your health, now & into the future.

For a comprehensive booklet with everything you need, planners, schedules, shopping lists and meal & snack ideas – click here
